Quantum healing hypnosis technique

QHTT® stands for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and was developed by Dolores Cannon who was practicing for over 40 years with thousands of people all over the world.
The person can go into the deepest levels of hypnosis, including the somnambulistic level of trance, which is the natural state every person experiences two times a day: just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep. Most hypnotists do not work in the somnambulistic level. You will go as deep as you feel comfortable with. The session allows research of sacred knowledge and reincarnation through a safe and effective method that bypasses the chatter of the conscious mind and focuses on obtaining unlimited information, time travel to any time or place to relive anyone’s past (or at times future or parallel) lives.
QHHT® is a powerful tool to access that all knowing part of ourselves that has been called The Higher Self, The Oversoul, even the Soul itself. Many of us when we incarnate on Earth we forget our previous lives and connection to our souls and The Source. QHHT® enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with what Dolores called Subconscious (SC) / The Higher Self which is that greater part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source, or God, and has unlimited knowledge and an unlimited ability to heal the physical body. Sometimes mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. The SC reveals the cause and will assist according to any soul’s particular lessons.
There is no timeframe. We will take as much time as it is needed, be prepared to be here at least for 4 hours. Most sessions, from experience, take place between 9:30am-2:30pm but this is just to give you an idea. It may take longer, so if anyone else wishes to pick you up after the session, it is best to tell them that you would contact them as the session finishes rather than offering a fixed time, as we really do not know how much time YOU will need to get where YOU need go.
* Standard rate is $600 for one full session. One session is sufficient to address your concerns and heal. A non-refundable deposit of $120 is required to secure the date and time of the session.
The session will consist of 3 parts: a pre-hypnotic chat, an actual hypnosis session and a post-hypnosis discussion. When you arrive, we will first discuss the reasons why you have come, you will share your life story with me, and I will review your questions. Later, I will guide you with Dolores' technique to enter a deep relaxation state, one of your natural states of mind (Theta brain waves), the same state you enter just before you go to sleep and after you wake up in the morning. This will allow you relive your other life/lives and connect with Your Higher Self. The actual hypnosis session (not the pre- and post-discussion) will be recorded for you to take home so you can listen to it all afterwards. At the end of our session, we will discuss what you have experienced and what you remember, if you remember anything that is, and I will give you the recording of your session (please remember to bring your USB stick).
What to do now / prior to your session:
1. Read FAQs on this site
2. Read and follow the How to Prepare
3. Download the Client Form, read it, sign it if you agree, and bring it to our session
4. Prepare your questions. Please do follow the categories as requested.
5. Read and follow After the Session
6. Check the available times in the Calendar on the subpage Contact me and once you pick the date.
Why people book a session?
- to find out their purpose in this lifetime
- to self heal their physical, mental, emotional, or energetic bodies
- to find answers to life burning questions
- to (re)connect with their Higher Self, passed loved ones or their guides
- to integrate lost, forgotten, disintegrated, or separated aspects of themselves into a whole being to become self again
Dolores Cannon: Pioneer of Past Life Regression
In 1968, Dolores Cannon, along with her husband Johnny Cannon, discovered that not only could a client be taken back to beginning of their present life, they could be regressed beyond their most recent birth to relive multiple past lives.
Past Life Regression is the cornerstone of Dolores Cannon’s QHHT® method of hypnosis, which she successfully used thousands of times over several decades. Dolores developed a tried and true formula to regress individuals to the somnambulistic level and guide them to a past life that the SC/Higher Self determined was helpful for them to view, including birth, daily life and important events, and death. Multiple 'past lives' can be explored to discover lessons, recurring issues and karmic ties that have an effect on the present life.
Dolores Cannon’s Past Life Regression methodology made possible by QHHT® enables the certified QHHT® Practitioner to ask questions and communicate with the client's Subconscious to navigate multiple lives on this and other worlds, the between life and death state where incredible information is available, and obtain answers that would be impossible to know without accessing the somnambulistic state of hypnosis. The lives the SC/Higher Self selects for the client to relive are always the most relevant to their questions and the issues they face.
For millennia, religious and spiritual teachers have referred to the SC/Higher Self as The Oversoul, Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, the Universal Mind and Oneness with Source. The Subconscious itself revealed to Dolores that what we call it is irrelevant and immaterial; it simply is, and it is willing to communicate and help anyone with a sincere desire and intent.
When the SC/Higher Self is contacted during a QHHT® session, observable changes occur in the client being hypnotized, the practitioner, and anyone these two will interact with after the session, a dramatic increase in the perceptible energy level causing feelings of joy and love.
The primary concern of every QHHT® Practitioner was and is to always ensure the well being of their clients. Seeking the unlimited assistance of the SC/Higher Self, which knows every aspect of a person’s being, whether they are conscious of them or not, can help any person in amazing and unexpected ways.
Following in the tradition of Dolores Cannon, the QHHT® Practitioner asks the SC/Higher Self to reveal information unknown to the conscious mind of the client that will aid in healing and uncovering the root causes of both mental and physical afflictions, illnesses and phobias. The SC/Higher Self always selects the information most helpful to the person in need. By nature the SC is akin to the Soul and therefore understands the entire situation and every aspect of the individual, including issues from other lives that may be affecting them in their present life.
An open mind is key to client to embrace and understand unfamiliar concepts, which can challenge to a person’s social conditioning and education. The session can deliver expansive breakthroughs in consciousness, both for the client and the practitioner.
Conscious creation, the concept that we create the world around us through our thoughts, complements the precepts of Quantum Physics and scientific evidence, which state that everything in the known universe is composed of energy. Even physical matter is essentially energy vibrating at a different rate or frequency.
QHHT® and Healing
Once the SC has been contacted during a QHHT® session, the QHHT® Practitioner asks it to identify and explain the cause behind any problem, and then asks the SC if it is permissible and possible to heal the condition. If the SC agrees, healing is immediate, without discomfort, medication or surgery. In many cases, once the SC reveals the source of the ailment or psychological problem, a release occurs in the patient’s body and mind, and the client is freed form their condition.
Many of Dolores Cannon’s thousands of clients were healed in this seemingly miraculous manner and wrote to her to over the years to thank her.
In all cases, before healing can occur, an individual must want to be cured. The healing also cannot interfere with the lessons of their present life or the contracts they made before incarnating. Our souls are eternal and we come to Earth to grow and learn lessons through individual experiences. An example of a conflict in healing could be the SC not agreeing to restore the sight of a blind person if that was one of the lessons they agreed to learn before incarnating in their present life.
The SC also adheres to a literal approach regarding healing. If a client is experiencing a condition that is the result of abuse or lack of care for their body, and the person has taken no action to correct this and has no desire to change, the SC is aware. Its logic will dictate that there is no point in healing the condition if the client is just going to resume abusing the body once it is healed.
Following are examples of the extraordinary results Dolores Cannon and her QHHT® Practitioners alike have experienced with clients during their sessions:
- Cancer – various types at various stages cleared
- Cartilage – reconstruction between joints
- HIV – cleared and eradicated
- Heart – healed with no surgery required
- Liver – fully functional regeneration and restoration
- Kidney – fully functional regeneration and restoration
- Wounds – regeneration with no scarring
- Migraines –root causes explained and removed
- Vision – 20/20 eyesight restored with no need corrective vision
- Diabetes – causes explained and cleared
- Intestines – conditions cleared
- Back – middle and lower area problems cleared
- Neck/Shoulder – pain identified and causes cleared
- Lungs – problems identified and cleared
- Skin – problems identified and cleared
- Asthma - fully cleared.
Everything is possible with Dolores Cannon’s proven method of hypnosis: QHHT®.
Read more about Dolores Cannon here.
Resource: QHHT® and Grace Love.