Frequently asked questions
What is Higher Self (or what Dolores calls the Subconscious / SC)?
Dolores Cannon, when she first tapped into the Higher Self, did not know what to call it, so she called it "the Subconscious". Others call it the Higher Self, Supersoul, Oversoul. This is a bigger part of you that has all the answers and carries out the healing of the body on many levels.
How do I connect with Higher Self?
You are already connected with your Higher Self. Most of us just do not listen to it, or are not aware of it, or simply cannot recognise it, or deny it. We are part of the Higher Self and it is not something 'higher' or better than you, because it IS you. This part of you has the inner wisdom you want to tap into to find answers to your questions. The easier way to connect to your Higher Self is when you are deeply relaxed. That happens when your brain works in theta waves, and it happens at least twice a day just before you fall asleep and after you wake up. It also happens during meditation. Some people are so connected that they have access to their inner wisdom all the time.
How is QHHT different from other hypnosis modalities?
QHHT is not suggestive hypnosis where suggestions are put into your subconscious. This is YOUR journey and YOUR wisdom coming out of you and your Higher Self. You are always in control.
Is QHHT hypnosis/hypnotherapy safe?
Absolutely. You are always in control. You actually are in this deep state at least twice a day before falling asleep and after waking up, so it is a very natural state. The alpha trance is also experienced many times during the day. Examples of it are when you drive and forget what you passed along the way... ("you were in your thoughts"), or when you watch TV and the ads are on and you forgot what were you watching before...
During your session, since you know that you are safe, you will allow your conscious mind relax and step aside. Your conscious mind can, if you want to, observe and learn, as we want the Higher Self to take charge to tap into the deeper knowledge. Your actual hypnosis session will be recorded as well so you do not need to worry about remembering everything. Please note that I do not record any private conversation before the actual session, nor the copyrighted technique, nor the talk after the hypnosis.
How will I go under hypnosis?
I will guide you through a relaxation visualisation technique that Dolores Cannon developed over 45 years of working with thousands of clients. It works perfectly with everyone. I will be there with you all the time along the way and help you reach the deep state of relaxation where you need to journey to find answers to your questions. From the moment you are relaxed and start 'seeing' to the moment we bring you 'back', your session will be recorded for you to take on the day and listen to afterwards.
Also remember that all hypnosis is self hypnosis and your session's success depends 99% on you and on how much you allow yourself to deeply relax and trust the process. You may want to ask yourself, "How can I best prepare to allow myself deeply relax?"
Can you guarantee that I will go under?
Everyone can reach that state as you do that every day! You go into light trance (alpha brain waves) at least every 60 seconds or so, and you go into deep trance (theta brain waves) at least twice a day before you fall asleep (delta) and after you wake up (beta). Dolores has found the technique to be successful in over 90% of her cases. She also developed additional tools for us, practitioners, to assist clients from different walks of life. We cannot guarantee you go under as you are always in control so you need to allow yourself to go under, but I will do my best to help you go using not only Dolores method, but also my experience and connection to the Source, to help you in the very best way that we can. Know and trust that you are in good hands and allow yourself this beautiful experience that words cannot simply describe.
Will I lose control?
No. You are always in control and most people are somewhat aware of what is happening. Some clients go into an extremely deep state of relaxation may not remember everything straight away, or anything at all, but I will record the session, discuss it all after the session, and you will start recalling it all, and you can go over it all again when listening to your recording. It is understandable that when one is experiencing so much within such a short period of time, one can only remember that much. Also, when you are travelling within, there will be things you will share with me (you will have them on the recording) and some things you will simply keep to yourself and that is fine, too. You will never tell me anything you do not want me to hear, or to be recorded.
Does this method work for everyone?
This modality is not suitable for people who are deaf, as I need to speak to a person.
Moreover, I do not work directly with small children. However, in order to assist a child, I can work with a surrogate / person who is closest to them, usually their mother (or another primary caregiver), someone who has a well-developed safe relationship with a child.
Also, Dolores suggests that people with a diagnosed multi-personality disorder should not be treated.
What is Past Life Regression (or Future Life Progression)?
Past Life Regression is the tool that we may use during the hypnosis session, but please note that not everyone goes into the past. Some go into the future, some in between lives where they meet their passed loved ones, or speak to the Council; some visit another dimensions where Akashic records are kept, or different planets they connect with. Some go to more complex advanced 'ideas'. It is all very individual and unique. There are not two same sessions. There are no right or wrong way to experience, either. Your session will be unique, so please do not have any expectations as to where you will 'go', or how you will 'get there'. Your expectations will limit your experience, so please come open minded and Trust and Allow.
Will I fall asleep?
No. I will guide you to reach a deep relaxation state, and I shall help you stay there. I will make sure you do not fall asleep. It has never happened to my clients, but if it ever does, I will simply help you navigate the journey 'back on track'.
I did have some clients who THOUGHT they were asleep while I was talking to them all the time they were under. So you might think, or feel that you fell asleep, but it is not the actual sleep as you know it.
What if I can´t visualize?
Only a small percentage of our population can visualise vividly in 3D. We can all visualise, but not of us can do it vividly. You may be more auditorial (reacting more to sounds), or more kinaesthetic (reacting more to bodily perceptions), or a combination of visual, auditorial and kinaesthetic. Just remember that the way you experience is the right way for you. Just go with it. If you can´t “see” it. Just think it. Make a mental picture, sound, or feeling of it. Your experience and perceptions are unique to you and no one else. Whatever you perceive is right for you. Trust and allow.
What if I need to go to the bathroom during hypnosis session?
It happens very rarely that a client needs to use the bathroom during the actual hypnosis part as there is a toilet break just before we start the relaxation technique, and you will be working in that deep state of relaxation for not a very long time, so the body is able to stay in that deep state without the need to go. In case that your body does need to use a bathroom, I will be there to assist you to get up (you will still have your eyes either slightly closed, or closed where possible) and after you come back from the bathroom, you will go into a deeper state of relaxation so we can continue working together.
How can QHHT help me?
It can help you in any way you want, really. There are no limitations. You can get answers to the questions you may have. You may self heal of your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic body. You can connect better with your Higher Self and others you want to connect with. You are the reason for this all to happen and you are in control. Whatever you want and allow to happen, it will. I will be there to facilitate and assist you in the best way I can using my experience, integrity, and compassion.
Can QHHT be done in any language?
Yes, as long as the client and the hypnotherapist speak that same language. I welcome everyone who speaks either English or Polish. Should you start speaking in a different language (as it might happen), I will be there to assist in both transmission and translation.
Can I invite others to the session?
Most people prefer this experience to be very private. Dolores used to invite others to wanted to be present at clients' session to simply occupy themselves during their loved ones' sessions. However, as a therapist, I will allow significant others to be invited to the session as long as you are the one who wishes them to attend if you believe that their presence (or their witnessing of your session) will contribute to your healing journey. My approach has been hugely inspired by David Denbourough's Narrative Therapy Chapter of Story-Telling Rights that you can find on the Dulwich Centre website here. I believe that people have the right to choose whether they wish to have their QHHT session as an absolute private experience or whether they want other/s to be present as their support and/or witness toward their own healing. I would like to think that Dolores's group demonstrations are a perfect example of such a case as well.
How long does the session go for?
The session will last for at least 4-5 hours, sometimes more. Since each session is different and unique, please be prepared for anything between 4 and 6 hours. My shortest session I facilitated was for about 3.5hours and the client was an experienced channeller. An average session goes for 4-5 hours, but please take it as a guideline only.
Why is the session so long?
Most suggestive hypnosis sessions go for a maximum of 1 hour where the actual hypnosis part takes approximately 15-30 minutes addressing a particular issue and yet the clients must come back for more sessions.
QHHT session is longer as we can address ALL of client's problems (physical, emotional, and relationships) in one session so you do not need to come back for more. What we do together is intense therapy on multiple levels, if you may, so we accomplish everything that is needed in that one session. From another perspective, the QHHT session is actually shorter than other multiple-session modalities.
How many sessions will I need?
One session is sufficient to heal. You will take your recording with you and you will listen to it, as an integral part of the quantum healing. Changes occurring in your life will start with the moment you book a session and some will happen once you complete your session. You will notice them all straight away.
Some people find it fascinating to go so deep and discover more about themselves and beyond so they choose to come for another session about a year after they have had their first session. There are also those who like to "channel", who healed themselves and now wish to access the knowledge easier and for various reasons with my assistance. This also happens. Dolores had a few clients like that whose sessions became the material for her books. There are some people who believe they need to have more than one session and it is fine, too. Since you are always in control, you know best what works for you most. Dolores says that one session is sufficient and you can self heal straight away if you want to and if it is appropriate.
Where does the session take place?
I offer sessions mostly in Australia (twice a week on Mondays and Tuesdays in Adelaide) and in Poland (once a year). I also travel interstate and overseas throughout the year. Please check my calendar for availability and session locations or events.
The local sessions take place in the Clinic at Kokoro Healing Collective at 259 Grange Rd, South Australia.
I am also prepared to travel to a client who may be unable to come to the clinic, or under other circumstances - we can discuss it all on an individual case-to-case basis.
How much does it cost?
AUD888 (or USD555) for one full session. There is a $333 non-refundable deposit when you book and you can pay the remaining outstanding amount of AUD555 either prior to, or on the day of your session.
Should you wish to contribute more and offer an additional donation, please do so either via Paypal to [email protected] or on the day of the session. Much gratitude & blessings.
How can I book a session?
Go to "Book a Session" and follow the instructions there.
I look forward to helping you on this beautiful journey.
Should you have a question that you could not find the answer to on this website, please either book a phone call or send me a message via the Contact page.