Guided Meditation
I invite you to use my guided meditation called "Silver Crystalline River Meditation" created by Dolores Cannon that I recorded for you as your preparation for your quantum healing session with me. As you listen to this meditation, you will deeply relax and invite peace and harmony into your life. Enjoy.
Please write to me so I can send you the link the meditation.
I invite you to use my guided meditation called "Silver Crystalline River Meditation" created by Dolores Cannon that I recorded for you as your preparation for your quantum healing session with me. As you listen to this meditation, you will deeply relax and invite peace and harmony into your life. Enjoy.
Please write to me so I can send you the link the meditation.
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Use this link (or the banner or the side) and add "SPREADLOVE" or "ONENESS" as the coupon code in the check-out. CLICK HERE: RECOMMENDATIONSBooks:
* Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho * Little Prince, by Excupery * Celestine Prophecy * Jonathan Livingstone Seagull * Keepers of the Garden by Dolores Cannon * Between Life & Death, by Dolores Cannon * A Year without Food by Ray Maor * Soul, Spirit & Savings, by Ray Maor * Diamond Heart. Book 1. H. A. Almaas Movies: * What dreams may come * Sense8, series on Netflix, Wachowski sisters * The OA, series on Netflix * Cloud Atlas, movie by Wachowskis * Matrix, by Wachowskis * Metropolis * Celestine Prophecy * There was Light, documentary on pranic living * The Light Generation, documentary on breatharian living Workshops: * Past Life Regression, Dolores Cannon, at @Kokoro Healing Collective * online Manifesting Your Best Life course Friends and beyond: