Dolores Cannon strongly recommended listening to the recording as many times as possible!!!
Also, after your session:
Important: Should you feel little to no change straight after your session, or have doubts, please be reminded that any restoration done by you/r Higher Self, is done in the invisible realm, and it may take time to manifest in the physical body. Any doubts, questioning, analysis, or scepticism will totally undermine and negate the work done by your Higher Self during the session. Listen to the audio recording of your session often and have total faith in the process.
Also, after your session:
- You will be fully alert, but deeply relaxed, and you may find yourself in a semi to very blissful wonderful state.
- Schedule the rest of your day so that after the session you won't have any activities that require a lot of concentration or physical hard work. Just continue to nurture yourself and relax.
- Upload the recording of your session to your computer (and/or phone) and listen to it as often as possible. It is recommended that you listen to the material for the first time on that night after the session and then as often as possible. It is a vital part of the healing (especially the part where your Higher Self is speaking). Listening to the recording is of utmost importance, but do NOT listen to it while driving your car!
- Go to sleep at your normal sleep time.
- After the session the connection to your Higher Self remains open so pay attention to your dreams as your Higher Self may want to continue communicating with you through dreams. Often further healing may take place, or more information comes through, during the sleep and during the time when you listen to the recording.
- Sometimes, it can take some time to process everything that has happened during a session, especially when many meaningful things happen in such a short period of time when we work together. Pay attention after the session, because important information may be coming through to you when you least expect it, and you don't want to miss it! Since the vibration of your Higher Self is going to be recorded, you will continue to receive insight and self-healing each time you listen to the recording of your session.
Important: Should you feel little to no change straight after your session, or have doubts, please be reminded that any restoration done by you/r Higher Self, is done in the invisible realm, and it may take time to manifest in the physical body. Any doubts, questioning, analysis, or scepticism will totally undermine and negate the work done by your Higher Self during the session. Listen to the audio recording of your session often and have total faith in the process.