![]() Today I would like to share something with those of you who still search and seek for "something", to achieve something, to feel happy and/or complete... to get out of the Matrix... to manifest their dreams, to experience enlightenment or find the missing puzzle... to just find out this new thing... This whole idea of a goal at the end of the journey is something of an obstacle if you may, because what is happening is that the goal is kind of placed in the future... and the future never comes... Also, in order to achieve something, one must practice a lot and it takes all the efforts... all the years from the past all combined and then one may achieve something... Let me say it in other words, the past is the past, the future is the future and the present is now. All that has ever been was the present one time... All that will ever happen will be now at one stage too. Past is the Future and the Now. There is no difference apart from the one that you create yourself. When are you now? Can you tell me when is the past? and when will the future be? the future never comes... the past is always the past... There is no such thing as the past and the future, is there? It may take a while to digest it and fully comprehend it but take time to re-read it if necessary, even if a few times, eventually it will click and you will see the point I am trying to make. Stay with me. Stay focused. Be present. Now. I can tell you this, I experienced what some call God-Consciousness without any effort, without meditating in the Himalayas... without practicing years of yoga, without daily meditation...All I had to do and all I actually did was to surrender. No effort at all. I just wanted to know and experience and experience it NOW. I surrendered NOW and it happened NOW. Like an explosion with lots of vibrations and shaking at first to the moment of disappearance and becoming One with All/Everything or Non-Separate from anything else. What I am trying to say, that it does not matter what you do in life, what religion you were born into, what cultural background have you got and what practices you do as such... because not all paths lead to God...or do they? Some will get you only to the crossroads and then there is a lot of confusion and doubt... lack of direction...lack of a map if you may.. but one does not need a map of something that they are already are. It is like you need a map of the map... or you need to understand what enlightenment is while you are already that... it is not something you have to seek or search for, in other words, it is not something you need to achieve, because how can you achieve it when you are already that. We could say it takes no effort... let’s say like opening your eyes. not much effort unless they are glued with a super glue, that may be hard... but you get a picture. All you need to do is nothing literally, or opening your eyes if you follow the previous analogy. All you need to do is surrender. In other words, you need to do nothing at all. because you are already that. The only difference what you are seeking is the realisation that you are that... and that is also nothing to be seeking for. Yes, what is happening is real. Yes, you may be following your own path and that is beautiful. And whatever you are doing, it does not matter for the self-realisation, for the experience itself because you are the experience. YOU ARE IT. There are methods to help you find out what or who you are... but where to start...which method to use... Do not worry about that either, because each of us is like a student and we learn or are given what we are ready for... we discover what is there to discover. and there is nothing to discover really. You are the discovery. The discovery is you. Just relax and enjoy this ride NOW. Just enjoy it. Be kind. Be present. Be in the NOW. Just BE. because that is what you are. <3
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gracei am...
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